Friday, July 20, 2007

Machinist: Tech Blog, Tech News, Technology Articles - Salon

Scientists at the University of Alberta report that they've built an unbeatable checkers-playing computer. Their machine, Chinook, has solved checkers: It proves that if two players play perfectly, making no mistakes, the game of checkers will result in a draw.

The proof required analyzing 500 billion billion checkers positions -- 5 x 1020 -- a computational process that began in 1989 and has been running on hundreds of processors almost continuously since. Chinook now knows everything about checkers, the perfect response to any move, and the best that any human can do is drive Chinook to a draw. You can never win.


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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Windows XP Professional x64 Edition uses the Windows Server 2003 tree


Note The x64-based versions of Windows Server 2003 and of Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition are based on the Windows Server 2003 code tree. Service and support activities for Windows XP Professional x64 Edition use the Windows Server 2003 tree and do not use the Windows XP client tree.


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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

75-year-old likely set Internet speed record - Online World -

Lothberg's 40 gigabits-per-second fiber-optic connection in Karlstad is believed to be the fastest residential uplink in the world, Karlstad city officials said.


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Snip IT Add-On for Internet Explorer

SnipIT can be used to e-mail the selected text in Internet Explorer using the user's e-mail client of choice. The add-on currently supports Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, Gmail and default installed MailTo client in Internet Explorer as e-mail client options. Yahoo Mail Beta is not currently supported.


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Tuesday, July 17, 2007


One terabyte drives hit the shelves… crazy

HITACHI Deskstar 7K1000 HDS721010KLA330 (0A34915) 1TB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive - OEM


Monday, July 03, 2006

are you kidding me?

I can’t believe they would actually launch with ANY cracks in the foam…


“A pencil-sized crack in the foam insulation on space shuttle Discovery's external tank sent NASA experts into meetings on Monday to determine whether to go ahead with Tuesday's scheduled launch.”




Saturday, June 24, 2006

The birth of bling

The birth of jewellery and personal adornment took place up to 50,000 years earlier than thought, and in Africa rather than Europe, according to a study of three ancient, battered seashells.


Sunday, June 11, 2006

Smart Pills

They include Adderall, which was originally aimed at people with attention-deficit disorder, and Provigil, which was aimed at narcoleptics, who fall asleep uncontrollably.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Quality of sperm declines as men age

Women's biological time clock has long been known, with older women having an increased risk of miscarriage and of producing children with genetic defects such as Down Syndrome.

Unlike older women, the changes in sperm did not increase the chance of producing a child with Down Syndrome, they found. But some older fathers did have an increased risk of having children with dwarfism and "a small fraction of men are at increased risks for transmitting multiple genetic and chromosomal defects."

"Our research suggests that men, too, have a biological time clock — only it is different," Eskenazi said in a statement. "Men seem to have a gradual rather than an abrupt change in fertility and in the potential ability to produce viable, healthy offspring."

Both men and women have been postponing parenthood in recent years. Since 1980, the researchers said, birth rates have increased 40% for men aged 35 to 49, while there has been a decline in births involving men under 30.

The new report looked at 97 men aged 22 to 80 and found increased fragmentation of the DNA in sperm as men age.

"This study shows that men who wait until they're older to have children are not only risking difficulties conceiving, they could also be increasing the risk of having children with genetic problems," said Wyrobek.


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Friday, June 02, 2006 Forums - Build your own FREE eCommerce Web site using Amazon Instant Website

The barriers to entry to e-commerce are just about gone now. The only remaining obstacles for Joe Six-Pack having his own Web store are monthly hosting fees and the hassle of getting your own domain. With this offer, Amazon eliminates both those headaches for you -- you just give them the name of your company and the URL you want to use.

And not only that, Amazon will collect the payments for you, so no need for you to fiddle with PayPal or paying a big application fee for your own credit-card merchant account.

Believe it or not, it gets even better: Amazon is thinking about offering to warehouse and ship your goods too. My understanding is this part of the program hasn't been finalized, but it's part of the plan.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hitman: Blood Money for PC - Hitman: Blood Money PC Game - Hitman: Blood Money Computer Game

This game rocks… There are lots of computer characters in each level and they all move and do things. You can sedate someone and then steal their clothes and impersonate them. I love sneaking around and strangling unsuspecting victims. =]

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Crazy Woman On Hannity & Colmes


I almost lost it when the little ticker at the bottom scrolled ^^^ TERROR ALERT: ELEVATED ^^^

Main Page - Wikinews

Very cool – wiki news

Bottlers Agree to a School Ban on Sweet Drinks - New York Times

Nevermind that Diet sodas sweetened with Aspartame and/or Saccharin are actually worse for you.

“In high school, low-calorie juice drinks, sports drinks and diet sodas would be permitted”

Friday, May 05, 2006

Tom Cruise cooked his baby

In an interview with ABC's Barbara Walters last year, Cruise said he bought a sonogram machine for then-pregnant fiancee Katie Holmes. Concerned lawmakers feared other private citizens might do the same and possibly misuse the machines.

"Having an ultrasound once, twice during the course of a pregnancy, there is no danger," Lieu spokesman David Ford said. "But too much or too often could cause the liquids in the womb to heat up, which could cause damage to the mother and fetus."

Sunday, April 30, 2006 - U.S. rejects Iran inspection offer - Apr 30, 2006

A reminder that Iran's activities are building nuclear power stations and making fuel rods for the same, activities which Iran are legally allowed to do under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which both the US and Iran (but not Israel) have signed.

Article VI of the Constitution of the United States states clearly, "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land."

In demanding that Iran stop making fuel for their power reactors, George Bush has broken the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and in so doing, once again stands guilty or breaking the laws of the United States of America, and defying the Constitution of the United States, which his oath of office compels him to uphold.

Why isn't Congress impeaching Bush for violating the Constitution?

Thursday, April 27, 2006


The physics add-in card is here… $299

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

HD TiVo Series 3 @ CES | PVRblog

The biggest features are that Series 3 will have dual tuners and be CableCARD and HDTV ready! The dual tuner thing should be qualified though, because it will actually have 6(!) tuners. It will have 2 cable tuners, 2 ATSC tuners (for high def over the air) and 2 regular old NTSC tuners. But it will only be able to record two programs at once, according to a sign at the booth (warning 900k picture).

Other improvements include an SATA hard drive connection to add external storage, a display on the front that shows what's recording and a backlit remote. While it will still record in MPEG-2, the Series 3 will also be able to play back MPEG-4 video.

Many middle-income Americans lack insurance:

If healthcare was added to our taxes and compared to other countries, the US would be the highest taxed nation in the world.

I think the government should control health care and provide equal access for everyone. If the government was responsible for our health, they would also be more concerned about the dangerous effects of capitalism in our food and drug industries.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 40 percent of Americans making between $20,000 and $40,000 a year went without insurance for at least part of the year last year, according to a study published on Tuesday.

The research by The Commonwealth Fund also found that 20 percent of working adults are paying off medical debt -- often $2,000 or more -- and 60 percent of uninsured adults with chronic illnesses such as heart disease skip pills to save money.

Monday, April 17, 2006

ViewSonic: Support: Q & A: LCD Dead Pixels

I think it’s so lame that buying a LCD has to be a gamble. If they are going to ship defective units out, they should at least pre-test them and sell them as 100% working, 1 dead pixel, 2 dead pixels, etc and price them accordingly.

ViewSonic sets limits on 20" & greater LCD's at 10 bright sub-pixels, 10 dark sub-pixels, or a combination of 10.

If the industry attempted to set a zero standard, the current manufacturing yield would be so low that the cost of an LCD display would be many times higher than it is today. Luckily, most customers and applications are tolerant of a low level of non-performing pixels and prefer the lower cost that the existing standards allow.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

New Prius to Have 113mpg Target - Jalopnik

According to a report, the next Prius will have a mileage target of 113 mpg, which is more than double what most Prius owners see from their current gas-electric hybrids. Toyota hopes to beat Mitsubishi to market with new, lithium-ion cells that are lighter, smaller, generate more power and last longer. Of course, with a plug-in option hack even a current Prius could get 250 mpg or more, not that Toyota would consider that kind of action.

Wired News: The MySpace Economy

Friday, April 07, 2006

3 Die in Mammoth Ski Patrol Accident - Los Angeles Times

Three ski patrol members were killed Thursday at Mammoth Mountain ski area when they fell into a geothermal vent that they were working to fence off. Seven other ski patrollers were injured in the incident.

The deaths bring the total this year to eight at the popular Eastern Sierra ski resort, which broke its all-time snowfall record Tuesday. This winter season has been a deadly one for California, with at least 13 skiers dying.,1,6437838.story?coll=la-headlines-frontpage

Thursday, April 06, 2006

U.S. Rolls Out Nuclear Plan - Los Angeles Times

The Bush administration Wednesday unveiled a blueprint for rebuilding the nation's decrepit nuclear weapons complex, including restoration of a large-scale bomb manufacturing capacity.

The plan calls for the most sweeping realignment and modernization of the nation's massive system of laboratories and factories for nuclear bombs since the end of the Cold War.

Until now, the nation has depended on carefully maintaining aging bombs produced during the Cold War arms race, some several decades old. The administration, however, wants the capability to turn out 125 new nuclear bombs per year by 2022, as the Pentagon retires older bombs that it says will no longer be reliable or safe.,0,5989419.story?coll=la-home-headlines

Friday, March 31, 2006

Vapir Vaporizers

Dizzam… Preheat to 150C, insert herb disc, attach vapor balloon, vaporize, detach balloon, inhale… wakened and bakened =]

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Pimpstar LED Car Rims - Gizmodo

These Pimpstar rims are programmable using a Wi-Fi equipped laptop and can display images as you roll down the street.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 - Brain Cells Fused with Computer Chip

The line between living organisms and machines has just become a whole lot blurrier. European researchers have developed "neuro-chips" in which living brain cells and silicon circuits are coupled together.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Scientists create Omega-Pigs

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. scientists said on Sunday they had genetically engineered pigs that make beneficial fatty acids and may one day serve as a healthier source of pork chops or bacon.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Dr. Mario Helps Treat Diabetic Gamers Through Gamecube - Kotaku

This is really swell. A University of Washington Doctor is working with Nintendo to allow diabetic gamers to check their blood sugar and blood pressure by the proxy of Dr. Mario.

Apparently, the program will quiz users about diet and exercise, send reminders to teens to check their blood sugar and medical professionals will send feedback to the patients through the same system. You will also be able to check your blood sugar by the simple expedient of opening a vein and smearing blood on your specially-optimized Gamecube controller. Dr. Mario says: “Eetza time to takah your in-su-leen!” - Your Edge in Real Estate

This shows real estate values for almost every house in an aerial view map.


Wired News: Old Man, Look at Your Life

Modern medicine is redefining old age and may soon allow people to live regularly beyond the current upper limit of 120 years, experts said on Wednesday.

Aubrey de Grey, a biomedical gerontologist from Cambridge University, goes much further. He believes the first person to live to 1,000 has already been born and told the meeting that periodic repairs to the body using stem cells, gene therapy and other techniques could eventually stop the aging process entirely.,70417-0.html?tw=wn_index_6

Monday, March 13, 2006

Wired News: Flexing Brains: Feats of Memory

Foer set a new U.S. record in playing-card recall, where contestants spend five minutes memorizing the order of a deck of cards and then recall as many as possible in a row. He recalled the whole deck in 1 minute, 40 seconds, which is better than he's ever done in practice, he said.

He was already planning to attend the upcoming World Memory Championship in Malaysia in August -- book research, he said -- but part of the prize for his U.S. win includes a paid flight there to compete.

"I don’t think I have a chance in the world championship," Foer said. "I can’t imagine going up against these people -- they can memorize a deck of cards in like 30 seconds."

There was nothing so dramatic at the U.S. Championship, but records were broken in each qualifying event. In the speed-numbers round, where contestants have five minutes to memorize as many randomly-generated numbers in order as they can, finalist Maurice Stoll, of Hurst, Texas, won by breaking his own record with a score of 148.

Newcomer and finalist Erin Luley, 17, of Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, set two new records – one in the poetry-recall round and another in names and faces, where contestants must memorize names associated with pictures of people.,70399-0.html?tw=wn_index_4

Friday, March 10, 2006

Siemens VDO Park Mate to end your parking woes - New Launches

a technology being developed by Siemens VDO called "Park Mate" not only finds you parking space, but automatically parks your car too.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Real Simpsons

Lucky Racing Bystander

Very Cute Babies

GeForce 7600GT, 7900 GT & 7900 GTX

So the GeForcer 7900 GTX 512MB surely is a little faster than the 7800 GTX 512MB, yet it's priced 150 USD cheaper, now how can you lose on that? Two very large thumbs up here for whoever made that call as finally the industry has been listening to what we the press and consumers have been shouting for quite a while now. Very respectful and this will set a new trend in the graphics arena for sure.

BF2 Booster Pack dated...again - PC News at GameSpot

The Battlefield 2: Euro Force booster pack has been given a new release date of March 15. The pack will be available from the EA Downloader, the publisher's digital distribution service, for $9.99.

BetaNews | XM to Put Ads on Some Music Channels

Clear Channel is tainting FM.

Thanks to a newly negotiated settlement, XM Satellite Radio will no longer be able to claim its music channels are completely commercial free. Four of its channels, programmed by media giant Clear Channel Communications, will now include advertising as part of the deal.

Commercials are not completely foreign to XM -- it does run ads during breaks on its talk radio stations, as does Sirius. However, the addition of commercials to music stations is an anathema to a policy instituted by the company two years ago.

BetaNews | TiVo Readies DVR Software Update

TiVo is preparing to roll out version 7.2.2 of its software for all Series2 TiVo owners. The update brings a number of new features including the ability to undelete recordings, improved suggestions and support for new USB network cards.

According to TiVo, "All deleted programs go to the Recently Deleted group in the Now Playing List where they will remain until space is needed for new programs." TiVo users can request priority access to 7.2.2, which will be delivered automatically through the set-top box's standard update process.

BetaNews | TiVo Gets New Pricing, No Lifetime Plan

TiVo announced Wednesday that it would begin offering 80hr TiVo boxes as part of its subscription price in return for a long-term commitment from the customer. Depending on the term of the contract, the monthly fee would range from $16.95 to $19.95 USD per month.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

BetaNews | TiVo, Verizon Allow Mobile DVR Control

TiVo announced Tuesday a partnership with Verizon Wireless that would allow the carrier's customers to control their home DVRs by cell phone.

BetaNews | GDrive the Future of Data Storage?

If Google gets its way, the search giant could soon be acting as your hard drive. The company accidentally leaked speaker's notes from CEO Eric Schmidt's appearance at its analyst event, which detailed plans for Google to be at the center of data storage.

Google would initially like to store e-mails, Web history, pictures and bookmarks -- much like Microsoft's Windows Live service -- eventually moving toward storing "100% of user data." The notes say that the company is currently working on such plans, including something called "GDrive."

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Windows Vista x64 Feb CTP (Beta 2, Build 5308) Kicks Ass

3.8gb DVD... Install is very simple. It all looks nice, no crappy DOS or EGA interfaces. The partitioning, formatting, etc is all done with a point and click interface. After selecting a drive, it just shows a giant progress bar that takes FOREVER (well more than 10 minutes) while it copies the DVD. At the end, it ask for PC name, time, and it was done.
The only problem I had was with a disabled drive. I disabled my secondary drive (old primary) in BIOS because I didn't want Windows Vista to touch it. I left the primary enabled. Well the install saw the disabled drive and listed it anyways. I selected the primary and tried to install anyways but the next button was grayed out and it said "make sure your drive is not disabled in BIOS". First, the primary WAS NOT disable. Second, I WANTED the second disable. =] So I just had to restart and physically unplug the second.
Everything had default drivers on my 64bit PC except the sound. nVidia had Feb 24th drivers and it installed no problem. I updated the 7800gtx to the latest drivers and that went smooth.
It's secure to the bone when you install it. It will ask your permission to run task manager or to launch MMC when you 'Manage' your computer.
C:\USERS\ - What a concept.
I like how all the windows smoothly pop in and out of view. The semi-transparent title bars are cool too.
The taskbar is awesome... Hovering your mouse over an item gives you a thumbnail screenshot.
The sidebar is cool too... It shuffles through pics in your pics folder. It has some quick launch slots, a RSS headlines scroller, and you can connect to the internet for more.
The start menu always stays within the borders of the original menu. You don't get windows popping of to the side and all the way across your screen.
The thing I love most so far is that in 1600x1200 on a 21" CRT, windows and web pages look very nice. I used to run 1280x960 on XP just because 1600x1200 on a 21" looked too tiny too me and adjusting the dpi settings in XP never looked right... I am running Vista in 1600x1200 and everything looks excellent with no adjustment. Its nice to have an OS that isn't designed for 17" 1024x768 monitors.
The new windows explorer KICKS ASS. I can't believe how cool the breadcrumb/address bar feature is.
IE7 looks really good and ties into Vista well. 64 bit version of course.
I'm using Windows Mail right now and it's working fine. There is a separate Windows Calendar program.
It has a games section where it claims it will 'automatically keep your games updated with manufacturer updates'. That will be awesome.
You can adjust 'application volume' independently of 'system volume'.
There also seem to lots of options for syncing your folders with web folders or other PCs running Vista. It talks with uPnP routers to open its own port and everything.
I still have to check out media player. More updates and screenshots to come.
Cons? 800mb physical memory used the first time it booted up. Good thing I have 2gb... You can tell this version of Windows really taxes the system. Certain things arent as lightning fast as they became on XP with better sytems. You can tell Vista really pushes the minimum system specs up a bit; It definately won't run as gracefully on budget 1st gen P4 systems with <1gb of ram.

Monday, February 27, 2006

BetaNews | Microsoft Confirms Six Vista Editions

Vista Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate.


Paint.NET is an awesome imaging program that is almost as good as Adobe Photoshop. Best of all, it’s open-source and free.


What if we all paid off our credit cards? - Answer Desk -

I thought that we can't ever pay off all of our debt because post-federal banks lent out more money than they ever really had.

What if we all paid off our credit cards? - Answer Desk -

HBO: Big Love

Lucky or Cursed? =]

He has three wives who willingly share him between
their three adjoining houses, but Bill Henrickson is
about to find out just how challenging life as a
modern-day polygamist can be. Don't miss the bold new series that Time magazine says "may prove to be... the
next cool thing on TV." Starring Bill Paxton, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Chloë Sevigny, Ginnifer Goodwin and Harry Dean Stanton. Airing Sundays at 10pm beginning
March 12th,
immediately following Season Six of
The Sopranos®.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Splasho » The Superbrowser

Check out how many toolbars this guy has… The size of the right click menu kills me.

BetaNews | MPAA Sues Usenet, Torrent Search Sites

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

MS Origami Project

Microsoft has its own surprise up its sleeve. The Web is abuzz with guesses as to what the Redmond company plans to unveil at on March 2.

The site, registered by Microsoft and "discovered" early this week, provides few hints. A Flash animation pops up three questions: "Do you know what I can do? Or where I can go? Or how I can change your life?" It ends with the text, "Learn more on 3.2.06."

Origami Project

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Google Community: Google Researcher

If anyone can figure out how to apply for Google Researcher, let me know. I can find ANYTHING on there. =]

you put your weed in it

This is how they grow it in Tennessee .


Shooting random cars
Fooseball Professional

Full Screen Video iPod

Check out this crazy full screen video iPod with touch screen.

Random Good Stuff: New iPod video - Full Screen Feature

Friday, February 13, 2004

Ernies House of Whoop Ass

This is a site with almost every funny picture/video you see circulating around the net.

Ernie's House Of Whoop Ass - The Arrogant Judgmental Prick Extraordinaire!